Urban Planning

Design and develop smart cities

Guide sustainable development and decision-making with location intelligence.

Create change with a plan

Cities are complex and continually evolving. City planners face pressures such as increasing urbanization, migratory and age-based demographic change, and the push to be competitive in a global environment. As they work to better understand projects in terms of impact on places and people, urban planners can use smart maps and spatial analysis. This approach empowers proactive, informed decisions that support sustainable communities, cities, and towns.

See your thriving future

Smart maps help urban planners design smart, sustainable communities. Location intelligence can empower critical land-use decisions about transportation, public spaces, and residential or commercial areas.

  • Use maps, models, and 3D visualizations to determine the best plan for an area. 
  • Put building information modeling (BIM) data in spatial context to measure design impact. 
  • Easily share plans and proposals with residents, stakeholders, and public officials. 
  • Visualize and analyze proposed construction with zoning information and other legal guidelines.


Improve planning, community engagement, and collaboration using location intelligence technology from the Esri Geospatial Cloud.


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