We are Openware

We’re part of the world's leading mapping technology company and honoured to serve Kuwait for more than 16 years. Using applied geography, we help people understand the world and design a smarter future.

We are Openware

We believe in our people

We are proud of our employees who are constantly driven by their passion to succeed and we support them in their every endeavor. Employees are an invaluable asset to our organization and we are always on the lookout for people to add to our pool of highly skilled, multi-talented resources.

We Embrace Diversity
We at Openware strongly believe that it is "our people" that have made all the difference in making our company a success

We at Openware strongly believe that it is "our people" that have made all the difference in making our company a success

We Help You Be Your Best

We provide a team-based approach and a dynamic work environment where you can build your skills with leading tools and technologies. You can also engage in corporate responsibility initiatives that promote sustainable prosperity. 

We Help You Be Your Best