Business Continuity and Recovery

Operational awareness for COVID-19

Protect, stabilize, and reestablish with location intelligence

Monitor, manage, and communicate the impact of COVID-19

Governments and businesses alike are facing unprecedented challenges related to COVID-19. To enhance business resilience, organizations can leverage location intelligence to understand the impact of the crisis and make data-driven decisions to enhance recovery efforts.


Quickly identify how your workforce and facilities are impacted by the virus and minimize potential exposure as conditions change.


Accurately assess and allocate your resources to maintain business activities where possible and in compliance with policy restrictions.


Holistically understand your hyperlocal market conditions and gain unique insights to prioritize markets for recovery and for renewing services.

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Business continuity and recovery workflows

Workforce capacity

Identifying and maintaining awareness about employee capacity and well-being is an essential component of business resilience. By leveraging mobile surveys for daily check-ins and dashboards to monitor responses, organizations can implement new routines to realign and prioritize their workforce assignments with business operations.

More about workforce capacity
Laptop and mobile devices sharing information

Facility status

By knowing which facilities are open, closed, or impacted by the virus, businesses can minimize disruptions and sustain operations. Organizations can leverage apps and dashboards to monitor their facility status and capacity. This enables them to avoid unnecessary risks, optimize available resources, and comply with government restrictions related to COVID-19.

More about facility status
Facility status dashboard showing locations and information

Business recovery

Faced with unprecedented consumer shifts and market disruptions, organizations need to proactively identify new and emerging opportunities to reestablish their business. Utilizing spatial insights for analyzing consumer behavior, organizations can anticipate hyperlocal opportunities to prioritize business recovery.

More about business recovery
Store status dashboard showing which are open or closed

Supply network resilience

Unpredictable consumer demands and government restrictions have greatly impacted supply chains, causing bottlenecks in fulfillment channels. Utilizing powerful analytical tools for network visualization and risk management, businesses can reduce immediate stress to their supply chains and proactively anticipate future demand trends.

More about network resilience
Desktop computer showing mapping software and analysis for supply networks

Communications hub

As the COVID-19 crisis evolves, organizations can maintain situational awareness and keep their workforces, communities, and customers up-to-date in real time. Organizations can empower decision-makers with actionable insights by leveraging interactive web maps, dashboard apps, story maps, and tailored websites for curated information.

More about communications hub
Communications hub website example

Examples of organizations strengthening business continuity

WhereNext Magazine

Reliable Data Helps Businesses Respond to COVID-19

Companies are showing that business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic is dependent on reliable data and strong location intelligence.

Read the article

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