Asset Tracking and Analysis

Manage key assets, prevent failure

Understand asset location, condition, performance, and life cycle

A train drives on railroad tracks and a plane flies over a forest fire representing location tracked assets

Enhance asset performance

Asset managers must minimize risks and maximize performance while managing cost and resources for both fixed and moving assets. Innovative managers use smart maps and dashboards to achieve a holistic view of their assets. Location intelligence enhances day-to-day operations such as inspections, maintenance, and investment planning.

See the performance others can’t

When managers use smart maps and visualizations to perform asset tracking and analysis, they help their organizations reduce errors; save time; and make informed, data-driven decisions.

  • Increase inventory accuracy by using modern data collection apps. 
  • Track asset condition and performance in real time throughout the life cycle.
  • Share status updates quickly and seamlessly with the field and office. 
  • Forecast maintenance costs and needs to improve reliability.
  • Manage customer expectations.
  • Integrate fully into existing asset management systems and inventory tracking.
3D digital map highlights areas in asset management such as railroad repair and fieldworkers using mobile apps


Enhance asset tracking and analysis for improved asset management with location intelligence technology from the Esri Geospatial Cloud.
