Extend your foundational GIS knowledge, get comfortable with the ArcGIS Pro application, and explore some of the most common GIS workflows. This course introduces techniques and general best practices to map, manage, analyze, and share data and other GIS resources. Hands-on exercises will give you the experience needed to efficiently work with ArcGIS Pro.
Who Should Attend
Individuals with introductory-level knowledge of GIS concepts and limited ArcGIS experience
After completion of this course you will be able to:
- Combine data from different sources to create accurate, informative maps.
- Organize, create, and edit geographic data to keep it accurate and up to date.
- Design an attractive layout for maps that will be printed.
- Analyze GIS data to create new information.
- Share maps, analysis results, and geoprocessing models so they are easily accessible to colleagues, decision makers, or the public.
Introduction to GIS Using ArcGIS or equivalent knowledge
Course Outline
Getting started with ArcGIS Pro
- Sign into ArcGIS Pro
Creating geodatabase data
- Common GIS data sources
- Data properties to consider
- Explore data sources
- Geoprocessing in ArcGIS Pro
- Getting data into the geodatabase
- Importing subsets of data
- Create spatial and attribute queries
Using ModelBuilder for data conversion
- Uses of ModelBuilder
- Explore a model
- Using models to automate processes
Visualizing data
- Symbolizing layers
- View symbolized data
- Classifying numeric data
- Set scale dependencies and definition queries
- Show raster symbology options
Adding text to the map
- Labeling basics
- Label classes
Visualizing data in 3D
- Why should you use 3D?
- Local and global scenes
- Scene elevation source
- Ground elevation surface
- Custom elevation surface
- Extruding features
Create features from tabular data
- Ways to create points from tabular data
- Adding x,y event data
- Geocoding addresses
- Geocoding steps
- Address locators
Relating tabular data
- Associating tables
- Cardinality
- Joins
- Relates
- Creating a relate
- Choose join or relate
Creating new features
- Creating features and attributes
Modifying existing features
- Why modify features?
- Feature modification tools
Using ModelBuilder for analysis
- Types of analysis
- ModelBuilder and analysis
- Selecting by attributes and buffering
- The Clip and Intersect tools
Sharing a static map
- Overview of sharing in ArcGIS Pro
- What is a map layout?
- Map layout objectives
- Layout design
- An improved map design
- Create a layout and add map elements
Sharing dynamic maps
- Dynamic sharing
- Sharing roles and permissions
- Sharing content to ArcGIS Online